Project Description
Medical and cosmetic uses of botox injection
Botulinum toxin is predominantly used as a treatment to reduce the appearance of facial wrinkles and fine lines in older adults. Beyond aesthetic applications, Botox injection has been found useful in treating a variety of medical conditions including eye squints, migraines, excess sweating and leaky bladders. Botulinum toxin is currently used to treat over 20 different medical conditions, with more applications under investiation.
Botulinum toxin is currently approved for the following therapeutic applications:
- Blepharospasm (spasm of the eyelids)
- Hemifacial spasm
- Glabellar lines (frown lines between the eyebrows)
BOTOX® and BOTOX® Cosmetic may cause serious side effects that can be life threatening. Call your doctor or get medical help right away if you have any of these problems any time (hours to weeks) after injection of BOTOX® or BOTOX® Cosmetic:

Problems swallowing, speaking, or breathing, due to weakening of associated muscles, can be severe and result in loss of life. You are at the highest risk if these problems are pre-existing before injection. Swallowing problems may last for several months Spread of toxin effects. The effect of botulinum toxin may affect areas away from the injection site and cause serious symptoms including: loss of strength and all-over muscle weakness, double vision, blurred vision and drooping eyelids, hoarseness or change or loss of voice (dysphonia), trouble saying words clearly (dysarthria), loss of bladder control, trouble breathing, trouble swallowing. If this happens, do not drive a car, operate machinery, or do other dangerous activities. There has not been a confirmed serious case of spread of toxin effect away from the injection site when BOTOX® has been used at the recommended dose to treat chronic migraine, severe underarm sweating, blepharospasm, strabismus, or when BOTOX® Cosmetic has been used at the recommended dose to treat frown lines or crow’s feet lines.
Medical and cosmetic uses of botox injection
Botulinum toxin is predominantly used as a treatment to reduce the appearance of facial wrinkles and fine lines in older adults. Beyond aesthetic applications, Botox injection has been found useful in treating a variety of medical conditions including eye squints, migraines, excess sweating and leaky bladders. Botulinum toxin is currently used to treat over 20 different medical conditions, with more applications under investiation.
Botulinum toxin is currently approved for the following therapeutic applications:
- Blepharospasm (spasm of the eyelids)
- Hemifacial spasm
- Glabellar lines (frown lines between the eyebrows)
BOTOX® and BOTOX® Cosmetic may cause serious side effects that can be life threatening. Call your doctor or get medical help right away if you have any of these problems any time (hours to weeks) after injection of BOTOX® or BOTOX® Cosmetic:
Problems swallowing, speaking, or breathing, due to weakening of associated muscles, can be severe and result in loss of life. You are at the highest risk if these problems are pre-existing before injection. Swallowing problems may last for several months.
Spread of toxin effects. The effect of botulinum toxin may affect areas away from the injection site and cause serious symptoms including: loss of strength and all-over muscle weakness, double vision, blurred vision and drooping eyelids, hoarseness or change or loss of voice (dysphonia), trouble saying words clearly (dysarthria), loss of bladder control, trouble breathing, trouble swallowing. If this happens, do not drive a car, operate machinery, or do other dangerous activities.
There has not been a confirmed serious case of spread of toxin effect away from the injection site when BOTOX® has been used at the recommended dose to treat chronic migraine, severe underarm sweating, blepharospasm, strabismus, or when BOTOX® Cosmetic has been used at the recommended dose to treat frown lines or crow’s feet lines.
Botox is a special drug primarily used for cosmetic treatments to your face and other areas. The drug is made up of bacteria related to botulism, but is completely safe for skin rejuvenation and wrinkle reduction. Botox continues to be one of the most popular nonsurgical treatments among both doctors and patients because of its dependable results for treating fine lines, excessive sweating, and even migraines.
Botox can be used in facial wrinkles and is most often used in the following areas.
Horizontal forehead wrinkles: Above the eyebrow lines that stretch across the forehead
Eye wrinkles: The “crow’s feet” that gather at the corners of the eyes when you smile or laugh
11 lines: Two vertical lines between your brows
The professionals at Brickell Cosmetic Center take every care explaining how Botox injections provide you with quick and affordable treatments.
Wrinkles develop for several reasons. They’re a result of aging, as the skin becomes less elastic over the years. When skin is less elastic, it’s less able to snap back into place after you make expressions like frowns or squints. Sun exposure can also contribute to wrinkles, especially when it comes to fine lines. Botox is especially good at treating wrinkles that occur because of both age and sun exposure.
This is completely dependent upon the individual and their unique skin. Botox is administered in units. Each area requires a certain amount to properly freeze the muscles being treated. Most patients need around 20 units per treatment area, but this does vary according to the depth of the wrinkles. Whether your wrinkles and lines are just starting to emerge, are quite minor, or deeply ingrained, Botox can help.
Botox lasts for three to four months in most patients. To maximize the lifespan of Botox, avoid sun exposure and use a high-quality skin care line like Obagi® or Colorescience®.